Dietrich Blumenröhr
Patent Attorney
European Trademark Attorney
CEDR Accredited Mediator
German Patentanwalt
European Patent Attorney
European Design Attorney
UPC Representative
Partner since 1997
Technical/Scientific Background:
Dipl.-Ing. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Karlsruhe, KIT (1992), specialising in computer-aided design, fluid dynamics, applied thermodynamics and hydrodynamics. Research Project with AECL at Chalk River Laboratories, Canada.
Legal Background:
Active in the field of intellectual property since 1992; Examination as a patent assessor in 1995.
In 1996 admission as a German Patentanwalt to the German Patent and Trademark Office (DPMA), as a European Trademark Attorney and a European Design Attorney to the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO, formerly OHIM) and as a European Patent Attorney to the European Patent Office (EPO).
2023 admission as a UPC Representative to the Unified Patent Court (UPC).
2025 Mediator accreditation by the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR).
Areas of Activity:
Trademarks, domains, designs; dispute resolution, mediation, contracts and agreements; strategic advice in particular for clients in drugstore retail, kitchen technology, construction technology and automotive technology.
German Patent Attorneys Bar Association, epi (Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office), Federal Association of German Patent Attorneys, FICPI (Fédération Internationale des Conseils en Propriété Industrielle), LES (Licensing Executives Society), GRUR (German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property), INTA (International Trademark Association), Mediation Committee of the European Communities Trade Mark Association (ECTA, Brussels), former member of the Harmonization Committee.
LEXOLOGY INDEX: (formerly WWL – Who’s Who Legal)
Global Leader – IP – Trademarks 2025: Recommended
National Leader – Germany – IP – Trademarks 2025: Recommended; “Dietrich Blumenröhr is a highly experienced professional who is great to work with, responsive and proactive”
IP STARS (Managing IP): Notable Practitioner (2024)
WTR 1000 – the World’s leading Trademark Professionals 2025: “Dietrich Blumenröhr of Lemcke Brommer & Partner is consistently efficient, patient and persistent in defending clients’ interests; forward-thinking international filing programmes and administrative actions are his bread and butter.“
wipr leaders – The leading guide to patent and trademark practitioners worldwide: Trademark Leader
LEADERS LEAGUE – Best Law Firms for Trademark Litigation – 2024: Recommended
LEADERS LEAGUE – Best IP Agencies for Trademark Prosecution – 2024: Recommended