IR Trademark Applicants: Communication with WIPO by E-Mail
Important changes to the regulations for the Madrid system as of 1.2.2023

On 1 February 2023, an important change to the administrative rules for the application of the Protocol to the Madrid Agreement concerning the International Registration of Marks will come into force. Applicants and owners of IR marks will have to communicate electronically with the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). Therefore, trademark owners and their representatives should urgently provide an e-mail address if they have not already done so. While the WIPO International Bureau sends notices to owners and representatives by post, there is a risk of possible delays, breakdowns and interruptions in postal services, which may result in a loss of rights.
Holders or agents can use Madrid Monitor to check whether an email address has been provided for a particular international registration: https://www3.wipo.int/madrid/monitor/en/#.
Holders or agents can provide or update their email address by submitting an online request using the “change of holder details” or “agent management” function via the following link: https://www.wipo.int/madrid/en/manage/.
In addition to receiving electronic communications from the WIPO International Bureau that are fast, reliable and traceable, there are other benefits for holders and representatives who have provided an e-mail address: The WIPO International Bureau is building a digital working environment for users of the Madrid system. This provides direct electronic communication and reliable online services and tools for an optimal user experience. Holders and agents who have provided an e-mail address and have a WIPO account will soon benefit from the possibility to manage their portfolio and carry out transactions online in a fast, secure and reliable way.
Do you have questions on this subject?
Please feel free to contact us.
Image source: WIPO

Dietrich Blumenröhr
Patent Attorney