Dr. Berger back at LBP as patent attorney
Dr. Dietrich Berger rejoins our firm LBP Lemcke, Brommer + Partner after passing the patent attorney examination

Almost one year after completing the practical part of his patent attorney training at LBP and after successfully passing the patent attorney examination in Munich, Dr. Dietrich Berger returns to LBP.
Dr. Dietrich Berger started his 3-year training as a patent attorney in 2019, the first two years of which he completed at LBP, where he acquired extensive knowledge in the field of intellectual property, especially in patent, trademark and design law. At the same time, he studied general law at the FernUniversität Hagen. After a 2-month internship at the Patent Litigation Chamber of the Mannheim District Court, the so-called “Munich Year” began for him in October 2021: 2 months at the German Patent and Trademark Office and 6 months at the Federal Patent Court prepared him for the patent attorney examination, which he passed with flying colors in July – to everyone’s delight. He will receive his admission as a patent attorney in October.
We congratulate Dietrich on having chosen the career of a patent attorney, one of the longest educations in Germany, and on having successfully completed it. We welcome him back to the LBP team.
With him and his mechanical engineering background with a special focus on the field of production systems, we are strengthening the engineering expertise of the firm. In addition, he will be able to bring his experience in the field of trademark and design law to bear on our valued clients.
The entire LBP team is delighted to have Dietrich back in its offices and ranks.
Please feel free to contact us

Dietrich Blumenröhr
Patent Attorney